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Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Untuk Perluasan jangkauan, Daya Pancar BTS 3G Inggris dinaikkan 4X

Regulator Telekomunikasi Inggris, Ofcom merencanakan untuk memperluas jangkauan jaringan 3G dengan menaikkan daya pancar BTS-nya 4x lipat atau menjadi 68 dBm dari sebelumnya yang sebesar 62 dBm.

Dampak dari kenaikan daya pancar ini adalah akan menimbulkan gangguan penerimaan pada perangkat-perangkat yang menggunakan frekwensi yang sama atau sangat berdekatan, seperti perangkan Wireles Camera, atau penerima satelit, dan juga kemungkinan kerusakan beberapa sel otak.

Namun Ofcom akan menetapkan kebijakan baru ini, walaupun akan memberikan dampak gangguan perangkat lainnya, karena penggunaan Wireless Camera ini masih terbatas di Inggris.

Alasan lain dari Regulator Inggris ini adalah contoh regulasi di Finland, Swedia, Jerman dan Prancis yang tidak menetapkan batas atas daya pancar BTS, namun ternyata tidak ada masalah yang penting.

Bagaimanakah bila daya pancar BTS di Indonesia juga dinaikkan. Tentu akan banyak masyarakat dan operator yang mendapat keuntungan, yaitu muta layanan 3G yang lebih baik di mata pelanggan, dan keuntungan yang meningkan yang akan dinikmati oleg para Operator.

Berikut rincian beritanya:

Ofcom is considering allowing UK's mobile operators to quadruple the power of their 3G transmissions, to improve coverage and maybe roast a few more brain cells.

The request came from Vodafone, but when Ofcom consulted the other operators they all wanted in, so now the regulator has published a consultation (pdf) with plans to increase the permitted broadcast power almost four times (from 62 to 68 on the logarithmic dBm scale).

Click here to find out more!

That's more than Vodafone, or anyone else, has asked for - existing kit can only kick out around 65dBm. But Ofcom doesn't want to be back here in a year when new kit comes out, so proposes setting the level higher. The regulator also notes that in some countries; notably Finland, Sweden, Germany and France, there are no limits at all, yet everyone seems to survive OK.

The main problem with upping the power is interfering with the neighbours, as some signal bleeding is inevitable. For 3G this means wireless cameras used by the Program Making & Special Events (PMSE) crowd on one side, and the Complementary Ground Component needed for satellite broadcast of mobile TV services on the other.

Given that there aren't any mobile satellite TV services yet, Ofcom deals with that by agreeing that, should anyone decide to build a mobile satellite broadcasting network, they too will be allowed to broadcast at 68dBm.

The PMSE crowd are used to getting a kicking from Ofcom, and this time the regulator reckons wireless cameras already suffer so much interference from 3G that this won't make much of a difference - noting that professionals already have to avoid specific bands when near a base station, so they'll just have to do the same from a little further away once the increased power is permitted.

Ofcom points out that technology has improved since the 3G licences were flogged off, enabling higher-power transmission without greater interference leaking into neighbouring bands. Indeed, the regulator makes the point that limits on out-of-band signals aren't being changed, and increasing the power will certainly enhance in-building penetration.

The decision hasn't yet been made though, and Ofcom is inviting responses, from "stakeholders", until the 19th of March. (sumber: The Register, UK)

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Jumat, 05 Februari 2010
Penggunaan Open Platform bagi e-KTP agar Indonesia terbebas dari ketergantungan Vendor Asing dan biaya mahal
Menarik sekali usul dua orang mahasiswa Pascasarajana UI, yaitu sdr. Taufiqur Rahman dan sdr. Budi Sulistyo yang memberika saran seperti pada judul diatas. Seperti kita ketahui, untuk Proyek e-KTP, DEPDAGRI menganggarkan biaya Rp 6 Trilyun, suatu jumlah yang cukup besar bagi bangsa Indonesia. Amat disayangkan bilamana dana sebesar itu tidak dioptimalkan penggunaannya untuk:

1. Membangun dan memajukan Industri TIK di Indonesia
2. Mengurangi ketegantungan Indonesia dari para Vendor asing.
3. Meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas nasional, dalam arti, e-KTP itu tidak berdiri sendri, tetapi di integrasikan dengan berbagai Kartu Smart Card, seperti Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM), Basis Data Kesehatan (e-Health), Duit Elektronik (e-Cash), Kartu ATM yang Aman, Identitas Elektronik (e-ID) atau Kartu Kredit Smart, dll.
4. Mencerdaskan bangsa dan memberikan peluang-peluang usaha baru bagai rakyat Indonesia.

Dari pengamatan kedua mahasiswa tersebut, diperkirakan 80% komponen biaya adalah untuk biaya impor Chip, komponen plastik (PVC/PET), CPU dan perangkat lunaknya. Sedangan yang 20%-nya dari biaya itu bisa dibelanjakan di dalam negeri berupa aplikasi lokal, biaya konsultan, dll. Jadi efek multiplier dari Proyek ini relatif kecil untuk dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi skala nasional.

Bagaimanakah caranya untuk mengambil porsi dana yang 80%-nya untuk kembali ke dalam negeri? Untuk itu perlu dipilih platform CPU dan Operating System-nya yang berbasiskan Open Source, dengan demikian kita bebas untuk ikutserta dalam pengembangannya di masa depan.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu diberitakan di media massa, bahwa KPK telah mewanti-wanti kepada Pimpro Proyek e-KTP ini agar dilaksanakan se-efisien maungkin dan semaksimal mungkun untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Semoga masukan ini menjadi masukan yang berharga, agar Proyek e-KTP ini bisa bermanfaat semaksimalnya bagi kemajuan Industri TIK di Indonesia dan memberikan kesejahteraan bagi anak-anak bangsa yang mau bekerja keras, kreatif dan innovatif, dengan berpartisiapasi dalam Proyek e-KTP ini.

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Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
Indonesia merencanakan untuk menerapkan WiMAX Standar 802.16e pada tahun 2011. Demikian dilaporkan oleh Telecomasia.Net pada terbitan tanggal 4 Februari 2010. Berita lengkapnya dapat dilihat dibawah ini:

Indonesia has an internet user base of some 25 million – the fifth highest in Asia -- but broadband connectivity stands at less than two million.

The country’s limited fixed-line infrastructure (less than 10 million lines), coupled with its population of 240 million, means wireless broadband has huge potential, particularly in rural areas where 80% of the population lives.The government has realized the need for wireless broadband and recently awarded Wimax licenses in the 2.3- and 3.3-GHz band. Of the 73 telecom companies that participated in the bidding, eight winners were chosen for the 15 franchise zones. Each regional zone will have a maximum of two operators.

The eight winners are Telkom, Indosat, Internux, First Media, Jasnita, Berca, Indonesian Wimax Consortium (a consortium comprising Comtronics Systems and Adiwarta Perdania) and Wimax Indonesia.

The highest bid came from First Media (IDR121.2 billion -- $12.3 million) while Telkom’s bid was the lowest at IDR755 million ($80,835) for Papua and IDR533 million ($57,000) for Maluku. The table shows the spectrum allocation details in Indonesia.

Under the license rules, it is mandatory for Indonesian Wimax license holders to deploy 802.16d equipment. It is perhaps surprising that Indonesia chose 802.16d technology, unlike neighboring Malaysia, which allocated 2.3-GHz spectrum for mobile Wimax. One explanation could be that the government has already spent around $2 million to support 802.16d R&D in Indonesia. It would not have been perceived well had the government suddenly changed its policy in favor of 802.16e-2005. In addition, the majority of local companies supported the 802.16d standard.

Indosat M2, First Media and Telkom Indonesia have plans to deploy 802.16d Wimax in the 2.3-GHz band. Telkom will deploy 2.3-GHz network on Central Java, East Java, Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and North Sulawesi. To encourage local industry participation, the government has announced that license holders must use 30% local content for CPE and 40% for base stations.

Telkom Indonesia and other operators planning to deploy Wimax in Indonesia have already entered into the purchasing phase. Telkom is expecting to deploy its Wimax network in the first quarter.

In emerging economies like Indonesia, a network can initially be deployed for fixed/nomadic broadband, and slowly upgraded to support full mobility in line with revenue growth. This will lower the initial capex outlay. The government is planning an 802.16e mobile Wimax auction for 2011.

With mobile Wimax still a few years away from deployment in Indonesia, 3G technology has an early lead. But the 3G market is still in its infancy, three years after services were launched. Five 3G licenses were auctioned - to Telkomsel, Excelcom and Indosat in 2006, and in to Hutchinson and Natrindo in 2004.